More imaging should take place only on the development of new symptoms or changes in old ones, with imaging in general overused and a major reason for the “high and growing costs” associated with treating lower back pain. “Honestly, it’s not just the cost — we are doing real harms to our patients,” said Amir Qaseem, Senior Medical Associate, Department of Clinical Programs and Quality of Care at ACP, in a telephone interview with Reuters Health. “With unnecessary imaging, patients are not getting good quality care.”
In the paper, which appears in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the committee noted that imaging drives costs higher through the direct cost of the procedures but also whatever results, including additional tests, follow-up, referrals and possible invasive procedures.
“Physicians need to stop ordering these tests and talk to their patients about why they aren’t ordering a test. Most patients don’t want tests that are not beneficial and may be potentially harmful,” Qaseem said. Besides addressing patient expectations and doctor behaviour, the idea of curbing financial incentives for tests also needs to be addressed, he added. “Once you have a CT scanner, you want to use it. Defensive medicine also plays a major role, the worry that I will miss something, but fear of lawyers doesn’t mean that you stop providing good care to the patient.”
(Reporting by Megan Brooks at Reuters Health; editing by Elaine Lies)