Fantastic LumbaCurve Review from Cornish artist.
Although LumbaCurve has been clinically proven to be considerably more effective than NHS treatment guidelines in the treatment of mechanical low back pain, it’s always great to receive accolades and compliments from actual users rather than clinical research abstracts presented at a pain society event. Here is an anecdotal story of one LumbaCurve user experience here in the UK from earlier this year.

Gary Hall is a successful artist who has a gallery in St Agnes the beautiful North Coast of Cornwall. Gary specialises in imagery of his native county and much of his work is exhibited at the gallery. In addition to his art, Gary is a keen long distance cyclist but this activity, along with his work has been severely curtailed by lower back problems in recent months. Gary relates his LumbaCurve story here.
“Just to explain my experience, I’m an artist & a long distance cyclist so spend a fair amount of time in positions not ideal for a back. I’ve got an L4/L5 disc bulge, picked up by an MRI scan last year, I’ve had symptoms of Sciatica for the last year & a half, two gradual bouts with the onset of severe pain & then just before Xmas my back completely went, couldn’t walk, couldn’t drive, horrendous pain, I’ve been taking Paracetamol & Ibuprofen full doses since the recent bout started in Sept/October.
So in the search for anything that could help I found your solution, I’ve been using it religiously every day twice a day for the past 4 weeks, what you are told with Sciatica due to a disc bulge is that if you have the pain in your ankle that’s not a good sign as you need it to centralise back into the back, within 2-3 days (I kept a diary) I started getting the pain back into my butt, where it can be extremely painful, to cut a long journey short it has gradually centralised now to the point where i’m only taking one third of the medication, hopefully to no medication next week, the first time since September, I can walk as fast as I want & driving is now pretty much pain free, i’ve a little pain, probably about 10 % compared to Xmas, but with “Lumbacurving” every day & some acupuncture I’m hoping the symptoms will continue to improve.
I’ve no doubt the Lumbacurve has been the reason for the improvement, to go from where I was a few weeks ago, the worst its ever been, to being better than in the last 4-5 months is amazing, I still feel like I’m treading on egg shells a bit but I just don’t want to go back to that pain again.
When I first started using the Lumbacurve it felt like I was being broken in half but gradually it also eased the muscles & now in the laid out position it feels like I’m laying flat so that’s great & shows how much I needed freeing up, I would say to anyone to stick with it, don’t be tempted to lay on it too much longer than instructed, as it does feel uncomfortable to begin with but it will get easier 😊
I’m going to continue using it & spreading the word, it’s also a lovely piece of sculpture to look at, hopefully Lumbacurve will continue to help people like me 😊 & hopefully you can get more publicity & the Lumbacurve into many more homes, institutions /physiotherapy centres, hospitals etc
The bestest of wishes & congratulations on creating Lumbacurve, it must have quite a journey for you to create”
“ps I think I’m becoming your rep for this part of the world, I’m telling everyone! “
Gary Hall’s work can be viewed at

The Little Feathers Gallery, 18 Churchtown St.Agnes Cornwall TR5 0QW 01872 554303